Linkedin In Icon

Elevate your projects with our customizable Linkedin In icon! Download it in up to 1000px PNG and use for websites and applications!

New to our icoMAKER Tool? Check this comprehensive icon customization guide
Background Settings
Icon Settings
Shadow Settings
Border Settings
Convert Linkedin In Icon to .ico

The Complete Linkedin In Icon Editing Guide

The icoMAKER website allows you to customize Linkedin In Icon and use it for your web and offline projects. This is not only easy, but also fun. On this website you can create unique icons for your websites, apps, presentations, instructions and other documents. Every page, and, of course, the Linkedin In Icon one, consists of several parts to help you with the icon customization and its further usage as well.
  1. At the top of the Linkedin In Icon page (below the Hero section) you can find a preview window (left side) and editing settings which are separated into 4 subcategories: Background, Icon, Shadow & Border. How to use these will be explained in the next part of this text. Also, there are two buttons: Reset Icon and Download Icon.
  2. A little bit below, we placed several links to image converters allowing you to create an .ico file (i.e. to use it as a website's favicon) from the downloaded Linkedin In Icon which is in PNG.
  3. After this Linkedin In Icon page section we provide you with 36 other icons that you may be interested in. By the way, when you refresh the page, our website will provide you with other random icons – this feture can be helpful for those who don't know which items they need right now…
  4. At the very bottom of this page, before the site's footer section, is where you are now reading this text.

How to customize Linkedin In Icon

As was mentioned above, the Linkedin In Icon customizer has 4 settings sections with 18 options, allowing you to make this Linkedin In Icon unique and perfect for your project. Here-below we'll describe each of these. So sit back and read the following guide or back to the top and practice with Linkedin In Icon editing.

Linkedin In Icon Background Settings:

  • Shape. Choose from the drop-down list one of the background shapes: circle, square, diamond, pentagon, hexagon, octagon or decagon. By default, the Linkedin In Icon has an octagon shape.
  • Dimensions. Scroll to the left or to the right to change the resolution of the Linkedin In Icon. It can be minimum 50px and 1000px max. By default, the Linkedin In Icon has a 500px resolution.
  • Border radius. Scroll horizontally to set a desired radius of the background border. By default, the border radius of the Linkedin In Icon is set to 20%.
  • Opacity. Change the opacity of the Linkedin In Icon background from 0 (invisible) to 1 (solid) with the step of 0.1. By default, the opacity option is set to 1.
  • Color. Choose the desired color for the Linkedin In Icon background. Here you can enter the HEX code of the color or pick it visually. By default, the Linkedin In Icon has a bright red background with HEX code #FF0400.

Linkedin In Icon Settings:

  • Size. Scroll to the left or to the right to make the icon smaller or bigger. The minimum size is 5% of the total image size and the max is 100% by width, height or both (depending on the icon form). By default, the size of the Linkedin In Icon you customize is set to 50%.
  • X Offset. Change the positioning of your icon on the X axis in percentage with a horizontal scroll. You can set this option from -50% to 50%, hiding up to half of the left or right side of the Linkedin In Icon. By default, the X Offset is set to 0%, displaying the icon in the center of the image.
  • Y Offset. This option allows you to change the positioning of your icon on the Y axis. Like with the previous option, you can set this option from -50% to 50%, hiding up to half of the top or bottom part of the Linkedin In Icon. By default, the Y Offset is also set to 0%, making the icon centered on the image.
  • Angle. By scrolling this option to the left or right, you can rotate the Linkedin In Icon as you want. The minimum value is 0 degrees and the maximum is 360o. By default, the angle is set to its maximum of 360 degrees, so you can only decrease this value.
  • Opacity. This value can be set to 11 different options from 0 to 1 with the step of 0.1. Setting 0 (zero), you can totally hide the Linkedin In Icon, leaving only its shadow. By default, the icon opacity is set to 1, which makes it solid.
  • Color. Similarly, as with the background, you can enter or choose a desired color for your Linkedin In Icon. By default, the icon is snow-white with HEX code #FFFFFF.

Linkedin In Icon Shadow Settings:

  • Depth. By scrolling to the left or right, you can set the Linkedin In Icon's shadow depth from invisible (0%) to absolute (100%). By default, the shadow depth value is set to 100%.
  • Angle. Just like with the icon angle, you can also rotate the shadow of the Linkedin In Icon from zero to 360 degrees. The difference is that whether you set 0o or 360o, the shadow will be set in the same position. By default, the icon's shadow angle is set to 45 degrees.
  • Opacity. This value may vary from 0 to 1 with the step of 0.1 point. It is important to remember that the change in the shadow opacity will cause a change in its color (if you have set a colored icon background, of course). By default, the shadow opacity of the Linkedin In Icon is set to 0.2.
  • Color. You can modify the color of the shadow similarly to the color of other parts of your image. By default, the icon shadow color is set to navy with the HEX code #314FCF

Linkedin In Icon Border Settings:

  • Size. The outer border of an icon may vary from 0% to 50%, making it thinner or thicker. By default, the icon border is set to 10 percent.
  • Opacity. This option can be set to between 0 and 1 with a step of 0.1 point. Set it to zero if you don't want to see any Linkedin In Icon border or to 1 to make it solid. By default, the value for the icon border is set to 0.1.
  • Color. The Linkedin In Icon border can also be modified (just like with the icon's background, the icon itself and its shadow). But note, similarly to the shadow option, the real visible color will depend on the background one, the color of the shadow icon and its opacity.


  • Reset Linkedin In Icon. Clicking or tapping on this button will result in a reset of all the above settings to their default values.
  • Download Linkedin In Icon. After clicking or tapping on this button, your customized icon will be downloaded to your device as a PNG image. Whether you set your browser to nder a destination folder each time you download files from the Internet, you also will be asked to do so before the download process begins.
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